I am back! As most of you know who follow the blog, I was
away on vacation to New Mexico to visit family and friends. It was an amazing and much needed trip. I am refreshed, relaxed and ready to push on.
Tonight’s post is just a short jaunt letting you all know I’m
still here and going to be continue with the blog. I have lots of exciting things to write
about. My brain got much needed downtime
and a reboot. One topic I’ll be covering
are airport ratings for travelling with small children and a different look for
special needs children – it is nothing I expected, but, hopefully, helpful to
someone out there.
Travelling with little man proved to be difficult at times,
but he handled everything amazingly well.
I am so proud of him. He had so
much thrown at him and he handled most of it in stride. Remember, he is 3, so some behaviors were
Anyway, I am happy to be back and anxious to start writing
again, but I need to give myself another day.
I contracted strep throat the Friday before we were to leave and Hayden
got an infection too. We went to Urgent
Care in New Mexico, but what they gave us did not help (another interested blog
may be coming about our experience with healthcare outside of your network). We saw our doctor when we got back and got
onto the correct
meds. Unfortunately, Hayden had to go on
a steroid for his cough and steroids and little children don’t mix well. He’s been keeping my husband and I very busy
and having little tantrums over the strangest things. Therefore, I am a little more tired than
usual, especially as I recover from my own infection.
Keeps your eyes peeled over the next few days for some fun
new posts. I hope you have all been